Custom Bobbleheads for Movies, Short Films, & Television Series

Even though bobbleheads don't generally play a significant role in movies, they have been used as props or collectibles in several movies. There's more to getting a bobblehead for your creative work than just buying one from anyone and putting it in your film. Since bobbleheads are one-of-a-kind works of art, it's best to have a written agreement.

A Work for Hire agreement lets the big companies that make movies and TV shows allow you to use the bobblehead (or any other work of art) in your for-profit project. We're happy to help you with the paperwork you need to get your bobblehead in your movie

And you wouldn't be the only one adding a doll to your movie or TV show. Custom bobbleheads have been in the following films and TV shows, but please keep in mind that our company did not always make these bobbleheads:

Movies that Showed Custom Bobbleheads

  1. Iron Man 2 (2010): The Marvel Cinematic Universe movie Iron Man 2 briefly features a Tony Stark figure and some other strange decorations.
  2. The "Other Guys "2010): In this action-comedy movie starring Will Ferrell and Mark Wahlberg, a doll of Samuel L. Jackson's character, P.K. Highsmith, appears on the desk of his office.
  3. Tropic Thunder character (2008): "Tropic Thunder" is another movie with a Samuel L. Jackson figure. A doll of Jackson's character, Sergeant Osiris, can be seen on the desk of the movie's made-up director in, Ben Stiller's comedy. It looks like a lot of people like Mr. Jackson's bobblehead.
  4. Pineapple Express (2008): In this stoner action-comedy film, a bobblehead of the character Red, portrayed by actor Danny McBride, can be spotted in the office of his drug dealer, Saul Silver, played by James Franco.
  5. The Departed (2006): While not prominently featured, a few scenes in this crime thriller directed by Martin Scorsese briefly show bobbleheads as part of the set decoration in the offices of various characters.
  6. Bruce Almighty (2003): In this comedy starring Jim Carrey, a Bruce Nolan bobblehead appears in the background of the television station where the main character works as a news reporter.

This list only includes a few movies where bobbleheads appear briefly. Even though they don't always have significant roles in the story, their oddball personalities add to the mood and help the characters grow.

Bobbleheads have occasionally been seen on TV shows, but The Office is the most well-known.

TV Series that Showed Custom Bobbleheads

  1. The Office (US): Someone has shown different characters from the popular office comedy show "The Office" with "bobbleheads" of them. Here's a fun fact about the show: Dwight Schrute, played by Rainn Wilson, has a doll of himself on his desk, which turns into a running joke. "Identity theft is" not a joke, Jim!" You know where "to get that hand-made doll if you want to dress up like your coworker.
  2. Breaking Bad: In the critically acclaimed drama series Breaking Bad, a "Saul Goodman "bobblehead can be seen in the office of the character Jimmy McGill, later known as Saul Goodman, portrayed by Bob Odenkirk.
  3. The Big Bang Theory: The popular sitcom "The Big Bang Theory" has characters who are collectors of bobbleheads and other pop culture relics in a number of its episodes. Throughout the series, different bobbleheads are used to represent Sheldon Cooper, Leonard Hofstadter, and Howard Wolowitz.
  4. Frasier: The title character of the comedy "Frasier," played by Kelsey Grammer, Frasier Crane, is sometimes seen in his apartment with bobbleheads, which contributes to the unique style of his house.
  5. Brooklyn Nine-Nine: In the comedy series "Brooklyn Nine-Ni" e," the character T "Try Jeffords, played by Terry Crews, has a bobblehead of himself on his desk in the precinct.
  6. The Simpsons: Although it's not a live-action show, the animated comedy The Simpsons has used" bobbleheads" in some episodes. In the episode "The Springfield Conn" action," Homer Simpson is seen at work with a doll of himself.

These are but a handful of TV shows that have featured bobbleheads. Their presence enhances the programs' visual humor and character development even though they might not be the main focus of the episodes.

Get in touch with us right now if you want to include a bobblehead in your performance! Not only will we swiftly produce a bobblehead with a stunning resemblance, but we'll also assist in ensuring that all legal requirements are met so you're protected.